Game Nights Are Our Party Nights

vintage card game on table

In a world where we're constantly on the go, always on our phones, and glued to our TV's, it's hard to find quality human connection. When we do hang out with friends, we experience the pressure to go out to bars to catch up; and by catching up, we talk mostly about the latest hit TV show or new movie on Netflix (I know... it feels like a true 'Black Mirror' episode).

Not saying those things are bad. Trust me, we love TV, you can catch us watching the latest episode of 'Survivor' (yes, it's still on after 45 seasons, and yes, we still watch it). It's those moments that remind us to ask ourselves, are we really living in the present moment?

[deep sigh]...Wouldn't it be great to be a kid again? I feel like that's a moment in my life where I felt the most present; care-free and playful, before all of the anxiety kicked in. Being an adult sucks.

But, maybe it can suck a little bit less.

Game nights with friends aren't anything new per se, but I find myself cherishing those moments more and more. It's a time where I'm the most present. It's a space where we're allowed to be playful, goofy, have fun together... just like when we were kids. And that's why game nights are our new party nights. Call me what you want. A board game nerd who can't stop talking about games or an old soul who just doesn't want to go out. Both are very much true.

We wanted to create a party card game that brings out the laughter, playfulness and excitement in everyone. Manic Zebras was designed to bring people together. It's a 3 to 6 player card game that people can enjoy at their next game night; it's very easy to learn. And here's a secret... we're working on the expansion pack for a 12 players (check out our details in our Kickstarter).

If you're reading this, it means you're a game manic like we are and we love that. We're starting our Kickstarter soon and we hope you help us bring our new card game to life.

Cheers to more game nights.

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